Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mini masquerade party

Jakarta trip: I love travelling to same places because every time I came back, I learn new things and gain new experiences. Bonded with my family over couture knock-offs and cheap stuffs. I made new friends (I need to remind myself not to be too friendly sometimes). Worked and earned my own pocket money. Spent millions of Rupiah. Hung out and just.. Enjoy my time of temporary freedom.

Grillz: It hurts. I don't want to talk about it.

Books: Still onto.. Twilight. I need a bitch slap. I've been procrastinating since early of November and now it's almost half of December and I'm just wasting time.. (Literally, freaking out here! Oh crap.)

IN: Wanting to write for all my life, possibly for this blog or just anything (please, give me a writing gig.. I'm begging! Ha! Kidding). I need to work my ass off to prove that I can be an Editor or anything related and save money for future use. Instax, Bamboo and Macbook. +/- iPhone 4S (A girl can dream..). Or just draw your mind.

OUT: Hard solid foods. Curse you metals in my mouth! Other than that.. Stop trying to "feel" everything, it's not worth it. Stick to what you have in your life right now and don't forget to throw away old toys.

Reminder: Write a new list for '12 New Year's resolutions and drink loads of water.

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